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Hugh Rischbieth

Kangaroo Island is one big outdoor sanctuary for wildlife. It has diverse native vegetation, soils, geology and eco-systems.

It is unspoilt and has the most beautiful beaches often to enjoy all to yourself.

It has amazing food and wine producers and the local people are incredibly friendly.

In the Kangaroo Island bushfires that devastated Kangaroo Island in December 2019 and January 2020, the strength of the human spirit, despite the devastation and toll on those affected, shone through.

Whilst sadly, the world media misunderstood that all of Kangaroo Island had been burnt, those burnt areas have “risen from the ashes” the plants have sprung to life, animals and birds are feeding and much has been learnt as to fire management and the ability of Australian wildlife to react and respond to fire, which in nature is a natural event.

The rich texture of experiences on Kangaroo Island makes it difficult to leave or forget.



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